Purpose & Goals
Faith Preschool is a program for the “Whole Child.” The responsibility is to provide a service to the community for the highest type of early education through a well organized program to meet the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual needs in a loving Christian atmosphere. Faith Preschool fully utilizes the physical facilities of Faith Church to create a positive approach to learning through loving encouragement and guidance of children toward independence, responsibility, and social consciousness led by our knowledgeable child care development specialist.
Overall Goals
- Create a Christian atmosphere so children may become aware of God’s love as revealed in Jesus Christ, in nature, and in people.
- Accept peers as persons with their own worth, regardless of real or imagined differences.
- Help children accept mature authority and loving interest outside the home.
- Work and play well with other children, in-group settings.
- Create an atmosphere in which a child may develop self-confidence and independence.
- Make choices, think, and problem solve, for one’s self, and live with those choices.
- Learn what it means to be an American.
- Speak and express self clearly.
- Develop an appreciation of literature, and the arts (music, drama, poetry, art, and more).
- Provide an atmosphere of co-operation in which parent, teacher and child can learn together.
Developmental Goals

Gross Motor Skills
Young preschool age children need opportunities to develop gross motor skills and develop their bodies and coordination. Running, jumping, climbing, lifting, pushing, and pulling are great ways to develop gross motor skils. Physiological readiness precedes other learning and is important to child development.

Creative Expression
Experimentation, discovery, the experience itself, is the value of arts and crafts at an early age. They learn about basic colors, and shapes, through painting, coloring, cutting, gluing, play-doh, and sand/water play. Children learn to control the medium and satisfaction comes with learning the creation of something that is uniquely their own.

Fine Motor Skills
Small muscle, hand-eye coordination are important to developing fine motor skills. Young children need opportunities to practice with things to put in, take out, match, fit, connect, and disconnect. The environment provides the developmental materials- (manipulative, puzzles, pegs, play-doh, beads, etc.)

Social Concepts
Sociodramtic play helps a child to progress from solitary role-playing, to sharing and understanding rules and limits. Through housekeeping, dress up, blocks, field trips and snack, the child begins to feel secure in himself, family, and community.

Language Arts Skills
Children learn vocabulary and the rhythm of speech through listening to their own peers and other languages as they are spoken and sung in many forms. Classroom libraries, story telling, self expression (puppets, telephones), games, alphabet letter, calendar, recognition (name, address, phone number,) expression through show and tell are only a few of the means of communication which are vital to both personal and academic success.

Science and Nature
The more the young child knows and understands about their world, the more independant and confident they can become. Learning about seasons, weather, bodies, senses, health and nutrition are only a part of the concepts.